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Squirrel Remains Unearthed in Tyler



Tyler Downtown Sculpture Squirrel

On a bright Monday morning, the city of Tyler came together on the downtown square for an unusual event: the digging up of a beloved local mascot, Shorty the Squirrel.

Shorty wasn’t just any squirrel. He was a little critter who won the hearts of many in Tyler from 1948 to 1963. Known for his friendly demeanor and a big appetite for food and attention, Shorty became a cherished part of the community.

As the crowd gathered, excitement filled the air. People reminisced about the joy Shorty brought to their lives during his time in the spotlight. However, the day took a surprising turn when the “remains” were finally unearthed.

What was revealed was not a typical squirrel skeleton but rather a plastic imitation, a nod to the fond memories many had of Shorty. This quirky reveal was a reminder of the unique place Shorty has in Tyler’s history.

Rachel Adams

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