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Strictly Come Dancing Fans Speculate Reasons Behind Dancer’s Absence



Strictly Come Dancing 2024

Fans of “Strictly Come Dancing” have been actively speculating about the reasons behind professional dancer Kai Widdrington‘s absence from having a celebrity partner this season. During the show’s recent launch, it was announced that Widdrington, who had previously reached the Blackpool stage with TV legend Angela Rippon, will not be paired with a celebrity this time around. Instead, he will participate in group routines alongside fellow dancers Carlos Gu and Lauren Oakley, who also did not receive partners.

Many “Strictly Come Dancing” enthusiasts have taken to online forums, such as Digital Spy, to theorize about the decision. Some suggest that fellow dancer Neil Jones was prioritized this year. Jones, who is 41 and has been part of the show since 2016, was often noted for not receiving celebrity partners in past series. Fans believe that as this might be Jones’s final season, the show’s producers opted to give him one last opportunity to shine.

Neil Jones has been paired with Toyah Wilcox, an entertainer with a penchant for comedic performances. Viewers suggest that this pairing aligns with Wilcox’s expected comedic approach on the dance floor. Meanwhile, Kai Widdrington has expressed his disappointment but remains hopeful for future seasons, stating, “Everyone wants to get a celebrity. Unfortunately, it wasn’t my time this series. Let’s see what happens next year.”

This season marks a notable shift in the show’s dynamic, with only six women competing against nine men, a first in the program’s history. Alongside this unprecedented lineup, the show has faced its share of allegations and controversies involving past dancers and celebrity participants, further fueling public discussion around the program.

Rachel Adams

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