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Today’s Wordle Answer for December 12, 2024: Solution #1272 Revealed



Wordle Answer December 12 2024

For those eager to solve the daily Wordle puzzle, the answer for December 12, 2024, has been revealed. The solution for Wordle #1272 is the word ‘VYING’.

The word ‘VYING’ fits the given hints perfectly. Here’s a breakdown of the letters and hints provided: the first letter is ‘V’, the second is ‘Y’, the third is ‘I’, the fourth is ‘N’, and the fifth is ‘G’. Additionally, the word contains only one vowel and has no sets of duplicate letters. It is a verb, with synonyms including ‘competing’ and ‘struggling’.

If you were struggling to find the correct word, these hints should have helped guide you towards the solution. For those who have already solved it, congratulations on keeping your Wordle streak intact!

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