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Toledo Woman Continues to Advocate for ALS Awareness on Lou Gehrig Day



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TOLEDO, Ohio – On a special day dedicated to honoring baseball legend Lou Gehrig and raising awareness for ALS, one Toledo woman stands out as a fierce advocate for the cause. Roseann Hickman, a resident of Toledo and living with ALS, continues to showcase resilience and determination in the face of the debilitating disease.

With an estimated 1,000 to 1,200 Ohioans currently battling ALS, Hickman’s story serves as a beacon of hope and inspiration to many. Despite losing her ability to speak, she remains an influential voice in the community, fostering awareness and support for those affected by the neurodegenerative condition.

As a co-chair for the annual Lou Gehrig Day organized by the Mudhen’s, Hickman and her husband, Rob, emphasize the importance of continuing Gehrig’s legacy in the fight against ALS. Through educational initiatives and legislative advocacy, Hickman strives to make ALS a manageable condition and urges others to join the cause.

Reflecting on her journey with ALS, Hickman’s determination shines through her unwavering spirit. She encourages individuals to engage with ALS Associations, reach out to legislators, and offer a helping hand to those in need. Hickman’s message of resilience and gratitude resonates with friends, family, and the broader Toledo community.

In support of the upcoming ALS Walk to defeat ALS in Toledo on Oct. 6, Hickman invites the public to stand in solidarity with those battling the disease and commemorate the lives lost to ALS. Lisa Barnes, a dedicated care service coordinator for the ALS Association in Toledo, highlights the array of free services available to individuals living with ALS.

As Lou Gehrig famously proclaimed himself “the luckiest man on the face of the earth,” Hickman echoes a similar sentiment in embracing the blessings of each moment. Despite the challenges posed by ALS, Hickman remains resolute in her fight, demonstrating that while ALS may affect her body, it does not diminish her spirit.

Rachel Adams

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