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Toronto Residents Frustrated with Tobogganing Bans in Parks



Toronto Residents Frustrated With Tobogganing Bans In Parks

Toronto residents are expressing their frustration over recent tobogganing bans imposed in several local parks. The lack of snow this winter has made the bans particularly irksome for residents. One resident, Bill Martin, called the bans ‘ridiculous’ and expressed his disappointment in seeing signs prohibiting sliding down hills.

The City of Toronto justified the bans by stating that the signs were meant to prevent accidents where people could crash into trees, poles, or other obstacles. According to a city spokesperson, only 29 hills have been deemed safe for tobogganing, while others have been deemed hazardous. The spokesperson recommended tobogganing enthusiasts to use the designated hills for their activities.

Martin and other residents find the restrictions on winter sports frustrating, as they believe that tobogganing has always been safe and enjoyable. One hill, which Martin has frequented with his children and plans to take his future grandkids to, recently had signs banning tobogganing put up. The City of Toronto did not respond to inquiries about the penalties individuals may face for defying the signage.

Another resident, Bill Mallions, highlighted that public opinion may not influence decisions made at City Hall. Mallions mentioned that the hill near his residence has been a popular tobogganing spot for 54 years without any reported issues. Regardless, he acknowledged that the city has the final say in such matters, saying, ‘Whatever they want to do, they’ll do it; it doesn’t matter what I said.’

This story has gained attention on social media platforms, including Instagram and Facebook, where users have expressed their own frustrations with the tobogganing bans. The bans have prompted a larger discussion about children’s access to winter activities and the importance of encouraging physical activity.
