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VDM Appeals to Davido for Dammy Krane’s Release



Vdm Davido Dammy Krane Appeal

Veery Dark Man (VDM) has reached out to popular Nigerian artist Davido, pleading for him to reconsider his stance on Dammy Krane’s recent arrest. VDM expressed his thoughts in an Instagram post on August 28, 2024, which quickly gained traction among Nigerians.

In his message, VDM referred to Davido as a brother and acknowledged him as a kind-hearted individual who has been pushed to the limits. VDM urged Davido not to use his influence to keep Dammy Krane incarcerated.

VDM recounted an experience during a visit to a police station where he allegedly encountered Dammy Krane in custody. While thanking the police for their support in his work, he noticed a man claiming to have seen a celebrity in a cell, which turned out to be Dammy Krane.

Upon questioning Dammy Krane about his situation, VDM recalled Krane stating that Davido was the reason for his arrest. VDM then reminded Krane that his previous insults toward Davido might have contributed to this unfortunate situation.

VDM’s plea included an offer to bring food to Dammy Krane in prison and a heartfelt request for Davido to grant Krane a second chance, emphasizing that it is not in Davido’s nature to be an oppressor.

This appeal comes shortly after Dammy Krane made statements regarding alleged oppression and false accusations against him by Davido, claiming that he was facing consequences for seeking justice.

Rachel Adams

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