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World Music Day 2024: A Global Celebration of Musical Unity



World Music Day 2024: A Global Celebration Of Musical Unity

World Music Day 2024, also known as ‘Fête de la Musique’, is a global celebration set to take place on June 21st to promote the universal language of music. Musicians from around the world will unite to showcase their talents in public spaces, fostering a sense of community and unity.

The concept of World Music Day originated in France in 1981 when Jack Lang, along with Maurice Fleuret, proposed the idea of dedicating a day to the celebration of music. The inaugural Fête de la Musique in 1982 in Paris marked the beginning of this global celebration, with over 1,000 musicians captivating audiences throughout the city.

Every year, World Music Day falls on June 21, coinciding with the International Day of Yoga. The slogan for this day, ‘Make music’ or ‘Faites de la musique’, encapsulates the spirit of World Music Day, encouraging people to share the transformative power of music with others.

World Music Day has grown into a worldwide phenomenon, with approximately 700 cities in 120 countries participating in the celebration each year. The day serves as a symbol of inclusivity, bringing people together through the magic of music.

Last year, the theme for World Music Day was ‘Music on the Intersections’, emphasizing the diverse and intersectional nature of music in our lives. This year’s theme is yet to be announced, promising another year of musical innovation and unity.

Rachel Adams

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