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Yoga Experts Share Desk Yoga Poses to Alleviate Workplace Stress and Fatigue



Yoga Experts Share Desk Yoga Poses To Alleviate Workplace Stress And Fatigue

City-based yoga practitioners have introduced a range of desk yoga poses aimed at combating the physical strains of sedentary office work, especially for those spending prolonged hours sitting at a desk. These poses are designed to alleviate common issues such as bad posture, neck pain, shoulder stiffness, and lower back discomfort.

One such expert, Gowri Raghunandan, who is the founder of Mudra Yoga Studio, recommends incorporating these desk yoga poses into daily routines or taking short breaks to perform them. The asanas are simple yet effective in relieving tension and promoting flexibility.

The first pose suggested by Raghunandan is the Chair Pigeon, also known as Kapotasana, which targets the hip muscles and glutes. By placing one foot on the opposite knee while maintaining a straight back, individuals can feel a deep stretch in the hips and thighs. This stretch is beneficial for countering the tightness accumulated from prolonged sitting.

Another pose recommended for desk-bound individuals is the Gomukhasana arms, helping to correct posture and release tension in the shoulders, biceps, and triceps. This pose involves interlocking the arms and holding the posture for a few breaths on each side.

To address lower and upper back tension along with aiding digestion, the Seated Twist pose is suggested by Raghunandan. This twist involves placing one hand on the opposite knee and the other hand behind the chair, twisting gently to each side to release stiffness.

For relieving hand and wrist strain, retired yoga instructor Shastri N advises performing wrist stretches. These simple exercises involve circular movements and gentle stretches to improve blood flow and reduce tension in the wrists and hands.

Lastly, the Cat Cow Stretch, adapted for seated positions, can help alleviate tension in the upper back, shoulders, and neck area. By arching and rounding the back while breathing deeply, individuals can release stiffness accumulated from prolonged desk work.

Rachel Adams

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