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Nigerian Parents Share Budget-Friendly Plans for Celebrating On Children’s Day 2024



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With the rising costs of entertainment and dining in Nigeria, parents are opting for creative and budget-friendly ways to celebrate Children’s Day 2024.

One parent, Taiwo, plans to make his daughter’s favorite meal, plantain, eggs, and zobo, followed by an ice cream date, without breaking the bank.

Another parent, Bimbo, suggests activities like painting, pottery, or a visit to Lufasi Nature Park as low-cost and enjoyable alternatives.

Gbemi found that ordering pizza and ice cream, at around ₦10k, excites her kids more than expensive outings.

Dolapo relies on community events at her church or school to provide affordable celebrations for her children on this special day.

Halimah’s plan involves sending her children to their doting grandparents, who spoil them with love and attention, relieving her of the financial burden.

Funmi recommends simple activities at home for younger children, such as watching cartoons and playing with toys, to keep them engaged and happy.

Florence and her women’s group plan to take their kids to affordable yet entertaining places like a children’s pool or the cinema, leveraging group discounts to keep costs down.

Rachel Adams

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