Agniveer Recruitment Results 2024 Declared in Madhya Pradesh after Rajasthan, Direct Link Available

In a recent update, the Agniveer recruitment exam results for the youth of Madhya Pradesh have been declared on the official website The CE result for the Agniveer recruitment examination conducted under various AROs in Jabalpur, Bhopal, Raipur, Mahu, Gwalior has been released. Candidates who appeared for the Agniveer written exam can check their results on the official website.
Pertaining to the Rajasthan region, the CE results for Jaipur, Alwar, Jodhpur, Jhunjhunu, and other AROs were previously announced. The results for other states and ARO positions are set to be released shortly.
The Agniveer GD examination took place from 22nd to 29th April. Following this, the Agniveer General Duty Women MP, Agniveer Tech, Agniveer Tradesman exams for 8th and 10th passed candidates were held on 30th April. The exam for the Agniveer Office Assistant position was conducted on 3rd May 2024.
Moving forward in the selection process, candidates who passed the written exam will have to undergo a physical test. For Group 1, candidates need to run 1.6 km in 5 minutes and complete 10 pull-ups. This physical test will be evaluated out of 100 marks. Under Group 2, candidates have 45 seconds more to complete the run and 9 pull-ups, with assessment out of 100 marks.
Further, candidates are required to perform a 9 feet long jump and qualify in the jig-jag balance test to progress in the recruitment process.