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Billionaire Donor Switches Allegiance: Backs Labour in Upcoming Elections



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A prominent billionaire donor, John Caudwell, known for his founding of Phones4U, has made a significant decision that has shocked the political landscape. After fervently supporting the Tories in the past and contributing £500,000 to prevent a potential tenure by Jeremy Corbyn, Caudwell has announced a dramatic shift in allegiance.

Caudwell expressed deep disappointment in the performance of the Tory government under the leadership of successive Prime Ministers including Boris Johnson. He criticized their handling of the economy during the COVID-19 era, the ethical standards decline under Johnson’s administration, and the controversial incidents involving Liz Truss.

He highlighted the transformation of the Labour Party under the leadership of Sir Keir Starmer, commending the party’s focus on economic growth and sustainable policies. Caudwell emphasized the need for a commercially minded government to foster GDP growth for funding public services without escalating taxes.

Impressed by Labour’s manifesto, which places economic growth and clean energy initiatives at the forefront, Caudwell declared his public endorsement for the party. He urged others to follow his lead, emphasizing the importance of a robust Labour government in steering Britain towards prosperity.

This announcement comes at a crucial time in the political sphere, with Labour gaining momentum according to recent election polls. Sir Keir Starmer welcomed Caudwell’s support, highlighting the shift in business backing towards Labour and away from the Tories.

Rachel Adams

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