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Bollywood Actor KRK’s Alternative Festive Celebration Promises a Bloodless Eid-ul-Adha



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Bollywood actor Kamaal Rashid Khan, popularly known as KRK, has stirred a discussion on social media with his unconventional statement regarding the upcoming festival of Eid-ul-Adha.

Known for his active presence on various social media platforms, KRK has announced a unique way to celebrate the traditional festival of sacrifice, ‘Eid-ul-Adha’ which holds significance in Islam.

While ‘Eid-ul-Adha’ is typically commemorated by sacrificing an animal and distributing its meat among the needy, KRK has declared that he will opt for a ‘bloodless’ celebration this year.

Refraining from the customary sacrificial act on this occasion, KRK shared on his handle, ‘I don’t give a sacrifice of an animal on Eid-ul-Adha! Let’s celebrate Bloodless Eid.’

KRK is not new to voicing his opinions boldly on social media platforms, often sparking debate and sometimes facing trolling for his frank statements.

The 49-year-old actor has acted in several Bollywood films, some of which did not perform well at the box office. He also ventured into Bhojpuri cinema, but faced setbacks in his career.

Over the past years, KRK has been running a YouTube channel and maintaining an active presence on social media, where he fearlessly expresses his views on various issues.

Rachel Adams

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