David Brooks on the Ivy League and America’s Meritocratic Crisis

David Brooks, a renowned columnist and author, has recently delved into the impact of the Ivy League on American society in his latest cover story for The Atlantic. Titled “How the Ivy League Broke America,” Brooks argues that the elite educational institutions have contributed significantly to the country’s social and economic segregation.
Brooks contends that the current meritocratic system, which heavily favors those who perform well on standardized tests and have the resources to attend elite schools, has created a caste society. This system, he suggests, traps future leaders in a narrow pathway defined by their academic achievements at a young age. This has led to a dwindling pool of diverse talent and a lack of representation from various socio-economic backgrounds.
The article also touches on the broader implications of this system, including the funneling of graduates into high-paying but often unfulfilling jobs, such as those in finance and consulting. Brooks questions whether elite schools should accept more students and explores ways to break the current system to foster a more inclusive and diverse leadership.
In addition to his written work, Brooks has discussed these themes in recent podcasts, including an appearance on “The Bulwark Podcast” where he elaborated on how the Ivy League’s influence has permeated American society and contributed to the rise of populist leaders like Donald Trump.