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David Tennant Clashes with U.K. Equalities Minister Kemi Badenoch at British LGBT Awards



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Scottish actor David Tennant experienced a clash of ideals with U.K. Equalities Minister Kemi Badenoch following his recognition at the prestigious British LGBT Awards. Tennant, renowned for his role in ‘Doctor Who‘, was honored with the Celebrity Ally award during the ceremony.

Expressing the significance of Pride in his family, Tennant emphasized, “we have skin in the game,” alluding to the personal importance of LGBTQ+ rights. Notably, he addressed Badenoch’s controversial stance on excluding trans women from single-sex spaces during his acceptance speech.

“I suppose if I’m honest, I’m a little depressed by the fact that acknowledging everyone’s right to live authentically should merit special mention because it’s common sense, isn’t it? It’s human decency,” Tennant expressed. He continued, suggesting that in an ideal world, voices like Badenoch’s would not hold sway.

Following the dissemination of Tennant’s speech, Badenoch retaliated on social media, condemning the actor for his remarks. She asserted her stance on not being silenced by those prioritizing applause over women’s safety, highlighting Tennant’s affiliation with the advocacy group Stonewall.

Notably, this clash is not the first time Tennant has ventured into political commentary, having previously critiqued the U.K.’s political landscape by labeling all politicians as part of the “same team of f***wits.” This clash underscores the ongoing tension between prominent figures regarding LGBTQ+ rights.

Rachel Adams

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