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Edmonton Elks Unveil 1950s All-Decade Team, Celebrating CFL’s Historic Era



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EDMONTON – The Edmonton Elks have made a historic reveal, showcasing their All-Decade Team for the 1950s, honoring a significant era in Canadian Football League (CFL) history.

The 1950s marked the merger of the Western Interprovincial Football Union and the Interprovincial Rugby Football Union, leading to the official formation of the CFL in 1958. It was a transformative era for football in Canada and for the Edmonton Football franchise, established in 1949.

Edmonton’s dominance in the ’50s saw them clinch three consecutive Grey Cup Championships from 1954 to 1956, marking a pivotal period in the team’s history. The decade also witnessed stars from the National Football League opting to play in Canada, bringing exceptional talent to the CFL.

Well-known figures like Johnny Bright, Jackie Parker, and others chose Edmonton for various reasons, propelling the team to success. Parker famously turned down a lucrative offer from the New York Giants to stay with the Elks, showcasing the allure of the city and the franchise.

The 1950s All-Decade Team for the Edmonton Elks features legendary players like Jackie Parker, Rollie Miles, Billy Vessels, Normie Kwong, and Johnny Bright. This lineup of illustrious athletes not only shaped the Elks’ history but also left an indelible mark on the CFL.

As the Elks celebrate their 75th Season, unveiling the ’50s All-Decade Team is a testament to the team’s rich legacy and the enduring impact of that era on Canadian football. Fans can anticipate more All-Decade Teams to be revealed, leading up to the ultimate vote for the greatest team in EE history.

Rachel Adams

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