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Family to Give Jay Slater the Send-off He Deserves with £60K GoFundMe Donations



After the tragic discovery of Jay Slater‘s body in Tenerife, his family is determined to give him the send-off he deserves with the overwhelming £60,000 raised through a GoFundMe campaign.

Debbie Duncan, Jay’s mother, expressed her gratitude for the outpouring of support and mentioned that the donations would now be used to cover the costs of bringing Jay back to the UK and organizing his funeral.

The search for Jay involved multiple parties, including volunteers and specialized search teams from The Netherlands like Signi Zoekhondon, who remained in Spain to support the family even after Jay was found.

Debbie, in a heartfelt message, mentioned the support received from LBT Global during this difficult time, as they work with agencies to arrange Jay’s repatriation.

The body, found near the village of Masca, was confirmed to be Jay’s by the Spanish Civil Guard through fingerprint identification, shedding light on the circumstances of his disappearance.

Rachel Adams

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