EB Games Announces Trade Deal for PS5 Pro Pre-Orders

EB Games, a prominent video game retailer, has announced a trade-in deal for the upcoming PlayStation 5 Pro, which will be available for pre-order starting tomorrow. The PS5 Pro, priced at $1,199 AUD, is set to be released on November 7th, with pre-orders commencing at 10:00 a.m. on Thursday, September 26th.
It remains unclear whether the trade-in prices differ for older PlayStation 5 models or the PS5 Slim Disc edition. Currently, it is assumed that the pricing applies to all models, including the original PlayStation 5. The company will update customers if there are any changes in this regard.
Customers enrolled in the EB World Plus program may benefit from an additional 5% trade value, potentially reducing the overall cost even further. Prospective buyers are encouraged to confirm specific details with their local EB Games store.
The trade-in deal offers a reduction of $500 from the base price of the PS5 Pro, with the possibility of reaching up to $625 off for high-ranking members of the EB World loyalty program. While online reselling may fetch higher prices, EB Games’ offer presents a viable option for customers looking to upgrade their gaming consoles.
In addition to EB Games, other retailers will also be offering pre-orders for the PS5 Pro, including special editions such as the 30th Anniversary PS5 Pro, though specific details on these offerings remain limited at this time.