How to Get the Free Vi Player Card in VALORANT

For fans of the popular game VALORANT, Riot Games has announced the availability of a free Vi player card, part of the Arcane series. This exclusive card, titled “Horrors I’ve seen,” can be obtained by watching a specific Twitch stream. The Vi player card will be available starting at 11:00 p.m. Pacific Time on November 8th on the official Riot Games Twitch channel.
To receive the Vi player card, viewers must watch the stream for at least 30 minutes. There will also be a rebroadcast 13 hours later at 12:00 p.m. Pacific Time on November 9th, although it is unclear if the drops will be available during this second stream.
It is crucial to ensure that your Twitch account is linked to your Riot Games account before attempting to receive the player card. This can be done by going into your Twitch account settings on PC, finding the Connections Tab, and linking your Twitch and Riot accounts.