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Hartalika Teej 2024: A Revered Festival for Marital Bliss



Hartalika Teej Celebration In India

Today, on September 6, 2024, devotees across the country are observing Hartalika Teej, a significant festival dedicated to Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati. This festival takes place on the third day of the Shukla Paksha in the month of Bhadrapada, and is especially popular among married women who pray for the well-being and long life of their husbands.

The observance of Hartalika Teej involves a rigorous fast, predominantly kept by women who seek blessings for a blissful married life. Rituals include the worship of Lord Shiva and the depiction of Goddess Parvati, as well as Lord Ganesha, following a series of traditional puja rites.

This year, the auspicious timing for the festival is marked by the conjunction of two beneficial yogas: Shukla Yoga and the Chitra Nakshatra, which adds to the spiritual significance of the event. The third date of this month commenced at 10:04 AM on September 5 and will conclude at 12:08 PM on September 6, with a prime auspicious window for worship running from 6:02 AM to 8:33 AM today.

Preparation for the Hartalika worship involves creating a symbolic clay Shivling, adorned with flowers and other offerings. Women decorate their homes and themselves, performing rituals with traditional items such as yellow fabric, clay idols of deities, and various offerings including fruits and sweets.

The traditional narrative associated with this day recounts how Goddess Parvati performed severe penance to gain Lord Shiva as her husband. It is said that the observance of Hartalika Teej can alleviate marital strife and foster a harmonious relationship between couples.

Rachel Adams

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