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Hunger Games Franchise to Release New Prequel Novel and Film



Hunger Games Franchise To Release New Prequel Novel And Film

In a riveting announcement for Hunger Games enthusiasts, Suzanne Collins, the renowned author, is set to unveil a new prequel novel titled ‘Sunrise on the Reaping’ on March 18, 2025. The novel, slated to be the fifth installment in the beloved Hunger Games series, will delve into the historical Second Quarter Quell in Panem, commencing on the pivotal day of the reaping, a significant event in the games’ lore featuring notable characters like Haymitch Abernathy.

The Quarter Quell, a compelling part of the Hunger Games mythology, presents a unique twist with double the tributes being selected, a premise that promises an engaging narrative. Suzanne Collins shared that she drew inspiration for ‘Sunrise on the Reaping’ from David Hume’s concept of implicit submission and the manipulation of narratives, exploring themes of power and propaganda.

Shortly after the novel’s revelation, Lionsgate, the film studio behind the cinematic adaptations of the Hunger Games series, disclosed plans to adapt ‘Sunrise on the Reaping’ into a feature film. The esteemed director Francis Lawrence, known for helming all the preceding Hunger Games films after ‘Catching Fire,’ is in discussions to lead the project. The film adaptation is scheduled for release on November 20, 2026, promising an exciting continuation to the beloved franchise.

Rachel Adams

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