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IBPS Announces RRB PO Prelims Result 2024



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The Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) has released the results for the RRB PO preliminary examination 2024. Candidates who appeared for the exam can check their results on the official IBPS website,

The RRB PO preliminary exams were conducted on August 3, 4, 10, 17, and 18, 2024. Candidates needing to view their results must log in to the IBPS website and navigate to the RRB PO prelims result link.

To access the RRB PO prelims result, candidates should follow these steps: visit the official IBPS website, click on the link for the RRB PO prelims result 2024, input the required details, and download the scorecard.

This year, the RRB PO exam aims to fill 9,923 vacancies in Regional Rural Banks for Group A – Officers (Scale I, II, and III) and Group B – Office Assistant (Multipurpose) positions.

Following the announcement of the preliminary results, the institute will also publish the cutoff marks and scorecards at a scheduled time. Candidates who qualify for the prelims will be eligible to participate in the main examination.

According to the official calendar, the main examination for IBPS RRB PO is set to occur on September 29, 2024. Successful candidates from the main examination will subsequently be invited for personal interviews, which will be critical for the final selection based on overall performance.

Rachel Adams

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