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IEC Dashboard Crashes at ROC During Election Results Release



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The National Results and Operations Centre (ROC) at Gallagher Estate in Midrand encountered a technical glitch as the results of the 2024 national and provincial elections continued to pour in. The Electoral Commission of South Africa (IEC) reported that their dashboard and election results screens experienced a crash, impacting the dissemination of crucial information.

Amid the buzz of the election outcome unfolding, the glitch reverberated to various IEC provisional results centers, their official website, and even their mobile app. However, the exact cause of this disruption that occurred on a Friday morning remains shrouded in mystery.

The IEC swiftly addressed the issue stating, “We apologize for the issue with our public-facing NPE system and are diligently working to restore service. Despite the glitch, the results system remains operational, with local offices diligently capturing the incoming results.”

As concerned citizens and stakeholders eagerly anticipate the election outcome, the seamless flow of data is of paramount importance. The disruptions occurring at the ROC and emanating across different IEC platforms underscore the technological dependencies characterizing modern-day electoral processes.

Regions such as Garden Route, Hessequa, and Karoo have keenly observed these developments, as they await the final results that will shape the political landscape and governance in South Africa. The ROC, situated at Gallagher Estate in Midrand, serves as a pivotal nerve center during such critical national events.

Rachel Adams

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