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Ini Esau Elected Chairman of ICAN Lagos Mainland and District Society



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The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Nigeria, Lagos Mainland and District Society has elected a new chairman, Mr Ini Esau, for the 2024/2025 term. Esau, a seasoned professional in the accounting field, has been chosen to lead the prestigious district, succeeding the outgoing chairperson.

Following his election and swearing-in ceremony held in Lagos, Mr Ini Esau officially became the 30th chairman of the Lagos Mainland and District Society of ICAN. His acceptance speech at the investiture ceremony highlighted his gratitude towards the members for their trust in his leadership and that of his executive committee.

Congratulatory messages poured in from industry stakeholders and corporate leaders, with the Chief Executive Officer of ERP software implementation company, Growth Stack, Ini Akpabio, expressing confidence in Esau’s capabilities. Akpabio commended Esau’s commitment to the profession and pledged support for the new executive committee’s initiatives and goals.

The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Nigeria (ICAN) serves as the professional governing body for chartered accountants across the nation, ensuring adherence to ethical standards and promoting excellence in the accounting profession.

Rachel Adams

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