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Investigating Directorate Denies Imminent Arrest of ANC Chairperson Gwede Mantashe



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The Investigating Directorate issued a statement refuting claims by Sunday World that ANC Chairperson Gwede Mantashe was facing imminent arrest. According to the report, law enforcement agencies were allegedly planning to apprehend Mantashe in connection with security upgrades provided by the catering and security company Bosasa at his properties in Gauteng and the Eastern Cape.

Henry Mamothame, the spokesperson for the Investigating Directorate, clarified on Sunday that the office does not typically comment on ongoing investigations. Mamothame emphasized that there had been no decision or discussion regarding the potential arrest of Gwede Mantashe within the directorate.

“The comments attributed to our office in the article are inaccurate,” Mamothame stated. He urged for the space to conduct their investigations without unwarranted speculation or interference.

The State Capture Commission report released earlier in 2022 by Chief Justice Raymond Zondo recommended further investigation into Mantashe’s dealings with Bosasa. Zondo highlighted the suspicion that Mantashe may have received the security upgrades in exchange for favorable treatment in government contracts for Bosasa.

Responding to the report, Mantashe pointed out that there was no prima facie case established against him, and the referral for further investigation was based on a presumption that additional evidence might surface through continued scrutiny.

The saga involving Gwede Mantashe underscores the ongoing scrutiny of high-profile figures implicated in corruption allegations, as highlighted in the State Capture Commission findings.


Rachel Adams

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