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JSSC CGL Admit Card Released Today



Jssc Cgl Admit Card 2024

The Jharkhand Staff Selection Commission (JSSC) is set to release the admit cards for the Combined Graduate Level Examination (CGL) 2023 today, on September 17, 2024. Candidates who have registered for the exam can download their admit card from the official website, It is essential for candidates to log in using their registration details to access the admit card.

The JSSC CGL examination is scheduled to take place on September 21 and 22. Approximately 6.5 lakh candidates are expected to participate in this examination. The previous exam was held in January-February but was cancelled due to a paper leak incident, which led to the resignation of JSSC Chairman Neeraj Sinha.

To download the admit card, candidates should follow these steps: visit the official JSSC website, click on the link for the JSSC CGL Admit Card, enter the registration number and password, and then submit the details. The admit card will appear on the screen for the candidate to download and print.

The examination consists of multiple papers, each lasting for two hours. The main examination will be conducted using OMR sheets and will feature objective and multiple-choice questions. Candidates will earn three marks for each correct answer, while one mark will be deducted for incorrect answers.

The examination includes the following papers: Paper 1 on Language Proficiency with 120 questions covering both Hindi and English, Paper 2 on Tribal and Regional Language with 100 questions, and Paper 3 on General Knowledge with 150 questions. A minimum score of 30 percent is mandatory in Paper 3.

The examination offers various roles including Assistant Branch Officer, Junior Secretariat Assistant, Labor Enforcement Officer, Planning Assistant, Block Welfare Officer, Block Supply Officer, and Circle Inspector, along with backlog positions such as Junior Secretariat Assistant.

Rachel Adams

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