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Labour Voters’ Top Motivation in UK General Election 2024 Revealed: To Oust Tories



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As the UK General Election 2024 looms, YouGov has delved into the motivations of Labour voters, uncovering a predominant theme in their support.

Based on a survey, the primary reason cited by a significant 48% of prospective Labour voters is the desire to remove the Tories from power.

Another 13% echoed this sentiment, stating that their main goal is to bring about a change in the country’s leadership.

Interestingly, even former Conservative supporters, constituting 44% of the shift towards Labour, highlighted removing the Conservatives as their primary reason for the switch.

Only a small fraction of respondents, 5%, mentioned agreement with Labour’s policies as their main motivation, with 4% citing support for the NHS and reducing waiting times.

While this survey captures a narrow glimpse of voter sentiments, it underscores the strong anti-Tory sentiment driving the expected Labour landslide in the upcoming election.

Notably, this trend poses future challenges for Keir Starmer, the Labour leader, in maintaining support once the primary motivation of ousting the Conservatives dissipates.

Rachel Adams

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