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Lily Allen’s Mother Opens Up About Fears for Daughter’s Fame Amid Amy Winehouse Parallel



Lily Allen's Mother Opens Up About Fears For Daughter's Fame Amid Amy Winehouse Parallel

Lily Allen‘s mother, Alison Owen, has shared her concerns about her daughter’s rise to fame, drawing parallels to the late Amy Winehouse‘s struggles in the public eye.

As a producer on an upcoming Amy Winehouse biopic, Owen reflected on the challenges both British musicians faced during their careers, highlighting similarities in their personal battles.

Throughout Lily’s journey, Owen feared that the intense media scrutiny and attention would lead her daughter down a path reminiscent of Winehouse, who tragically passed away at the age of 27.

Owen mentioned how Lily looked up to her father, actor Keith Allen, who was known for his own controversial behavior, leading the young star to believe that certain behaviors were acceptable in the spotlight.

Lily and Winehouse, who both collaborated with producer Mark Ronson, found themselves in similar situations, with media attention often focusing on their personal struggles and relationships.

During a revealing interview, Owen recollected a distressing moment at a music industry event where she observed Winehouse and Blake Fielder-Civil engaging in concerning behavior, signaling a potential disaster.

While Winehouse’s life ended prematurely, Lily, now sober for four years, has found stability in her life, focusing on her family and raising her daughters, Ethel Mary and Marnie Rose, from her previous marriage to Sam Cooper.

Rachel Adams

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