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Local Artist Opens for Shania Twain



Local Artist Opens For Shania Twain

Exciting news for country music fans! Local singer-songwriter Mallory Johnson is about to live her dream. This weekend, she’s opening for none other than country superstar Shania Twain at the Churchill Park Music Festival.

Johnson can hardly contain her excitement. She has adored Twain since childhood, often belting out her songs while riding in the car. “I grew up singing Shania Twain along with Dolly Parton, so it’s definitely a pinch-me moment,” she said.

Shania Twain herself arrived in St. John's today, touching down at YYT before taking a stroll around town. Fans are eagerly waiting for her three back-to-back performances this weekend at the music festival.

In a fun post on social media, Twain shared that she couldn’t wait to get the party started. But first, she humorously mentioned she had to take her dog for a walk, do a shot of screech, and kiss a cod!

Rachel Adams

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