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Lynda Carter Celebrates Biden-Harris Victory and Marks 45th Anniversary of Wonder Woman Debut



Lynda Carter As Wonder Woman Celebrating Biden Harris Victory

Lynda Carter, the iconic actress known for her role as Wonder Woman, celebrated the projected presidential victory of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris on Saturday, December 11, 2024. This celebration was particularly significant for Carter, as it coincided with the 45th anniversary of her first appearance as Wonder Woman on television.

Carter, who has been a vocal supporter of the Biden-Harris campaign, expressed her elation through a special note on social media. She reflected on the dual significance of the day, highlighting both the electoral victory and her own milestone in the entertainment industry.

“On this day 45 years ago, I appeared on television as Wonder Woman for the very first time,” Carter noted, emphasizing the historical and personal importance of the date. Her support for the Biden-Harris campaign has been consistent, with numerous expressions of endorsement via social media leading up to the election.

This celebration is just one of the recent public appearances and engagements for Carter, who has also been involved in other projects, including a recent campaign video with Ryan Reynolds as Deadpool for the SickKids charity.

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