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Mexico Weather Forecast: Dry Conditions and Incoming Cold Front



Mexico Weather Forecast December 9 2024

As of December 9, 2024, Mexico is experiencing a mix of weather conditions, with a predominant dry spell across most of the country. According to Raquel Méndez, a meteorologist, the dry weather is due to an anticyclonic system that is prevailing over the region.

In the northern and northwestern parts of Mexico, residents can expect a brief period of stable and warmer temperatures before a new cold front arrives. This cold front, accompanied by a polar continental air mass, is anticipated to bring significant temperature drops and strong winds, particularly in the Gulf of Mexico and the southeastern regions, including the Yucatán Peninsula.

For the city of Mexico, the forecast indicates a maximum temperature of around 25 degrees Celsius with a partially sunny and hazy atmosphere. However, temperatures are expected to drop sharply in the coming days, with Monterrey seeing temperatures as low as 8 degrees Celsius by the early hours of Wednesday.

In the western part of the country, cities like Guadalajara and Jalisco will maintain high temperatures, with Guadalajara reaching up to 27-28 degrees Celsius. The southern regions, including Oaxaca, Huatulco, and Acapulco, will continue to experience high temperatures, with Colima reaching as high as 34 degrees Celsius.

The Yucatán Peninsula is expected to remain dry with minimal to no rainfall until Friday, with temperatures remaining high. However, the region may experience cooler nights, a phenomenon locally known as “heladez” yucateca.

Residents are advised to stay updated with the latest weather reports as the incoming cold front promises to bring significant changes in the weather pattern across Mexico.

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