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Milan Coach Prepares for Season Resumption with Key Players Returning



Ac Milan Team Training Session

As the Serie A season prepares to resume after a break, AC Milan‘s coach is strategizing for the upcoming matches with the support of several key players.

Defensive stalwart Pavlovic has emerged as a reliable option for the team. His consistent performances have assured the coach of his place in the squad.

The coach is also looking for significant contributions from Emerson Royal, a recent acquisition who has been instrumental on the right flank. The coach’s insistence on securing this player is expected to pay off in the forthcoming games.

Offensively, the coach has noted the impact of Christian Pulisic, highlighting his role as a leader during the early part of the season. Pulisic’s performance has already established him as a crucial asset for the Rossoneri.

Additionally, the return of Alvaro Morata from injury is eagerly anticipated. His experience and ability to score goals are expected to greatly enhance the team’s performance and morale.

Rachel Adams

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