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Mysterious Explosion Reported in Perth; Residents Share Concerns



Perth Explosion Mystery

Residents in Perth‘s southern suburbs have reported feeling the ground shake and hearing a loud explosion, leading to confusion and concern among locals. Reports have come from areas stretching from Fremantle to Mandurah, and as far east as Thornlie.

Many residents took to social media to describe their experiences. One resident from Fremantle described it as something big hitting the upper part of their house, leading them to check for damages. Another resident from Thornlie noted a low thudding boom accompanied by a shockwave strong enough to rattle windows.

In Meadow Springs, a resident remarked that the sound resembled a bomb going off, with their pets reacting surprisingly to the noise. Mandurah radio station Coast Live reported that Geoscience Australia confirmed the sound was not an earthquake. Emergency services such as DFES and St John Ambulance have stated they are not attending to any reported explosion.

In related news, the WA Supreme Court has returned to hearings involving Brittany Higgins and journalist Samantha Maiden. In a prominent case, Maiden is set to present recorded conversations concerning Higgins’s allegations against former colleague Bruce Lehrmann.

Higgins has alleged that she was raped by Lehrmann in a ministerial office belonging to Liberal Senator Linda Reynolds. Maiden is expected to be represented by senior counsel during the proceedings, which will lay bare the complexities surrounding allegations of sexual misconduct in Australian politics.

Additionally, a memorial service is scheduled at Optus Stadium for John Todd, a notable figure in West Australian AFL history. Premier Roger Cook will address the assembly, reflecting on Todd’s contributions to football as both a player for South Fremantle and a coach for the West Coast Eagles.

Rachel Adams

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