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Ndimande Siblings’ Extradition Case Postponed Again Due to Incomplete Documents



Ndimande Siblings' Extradition Case Postponed Again Due To Incomplete Documents

The extradition case of Siyabonga and Malusi Ndimande has been postponed to 5 July by the Manzini Magistrate’s Court in eSwatini. The defence attorneys representing the siblings failed to submit complete documents required for the case.

Siyabonga and Malusi Ndimande are wanted for alleged involvement in four murders in KwaZulu-Natal, including the murder of Forbes and Motsoane in Durban in February last year. The case has attracted significant attention due to the seriousness of the charges.

Despite repeated delays in the proceedings, the defence has struggled to provide the necessary documentation. The delays have raised concerns about the efficiency of the legal process and the impact on the victims’ families awaiting justice.

Principal Magistrate David Khumalo expressed disappointment in the way the defence has handled the case, pointing out missing documents and failure to meet deadlines. The court expects thorough and timely submissions in such high-profile cases.

However, the defence has attempted to shift blame, citing a court clerk for allegedly omitting certain pages from the documentation. The back-and-forth between the defence and the court over procedural errors has prolonged the extradition process.

Magistrate Khumalo issued a warning to the defence, emphasizing the need for diligence and accuracy in their submissions. The court will not entertain further delays or excuses when the case resumes next month.

Rachel Adams

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