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NYT Connections Answers and Hints for Tuesday, December 10, 2024



Nyt Connections Puzzle December 10 2024

The New York TimesConnections puzzle for Tuesday, December 10, 2024, presents four categories that players must identify to solve the game. Here are the hints and answers to help you through the challenge.

The categories for game #548 are as follows:

YELLOW: This category involves giving a title to something. The words that fit into this group are CALL, DUB, LABEL, and NAME. These words are all related to assigning or giving a title to an item or person.

GREEN: This category is about parts of a flight. The words here are CRUISE, TAKEOFF, TAXI, and TOUCHDOWN. These terms are familiar to those who travel by air or follow aviation.

BLUE: This category involves the action of feeling around for something. The words in this group are FISH, FUMBLE, ROOT, and RUMMAGE. These words describe the act of searching or feeling around, often in a somewhat blind or random manner.

PURPLE: This is the most challenging category, which involves countries with their first letter missing. The words here are INLAND, OLIVIA, RAN, and WANDA. These words correspond to countries like Ireland, Australia, Iran, and Sweden when their first letter is added back.

Each category has a different difficulty level, with yellow being the easiest and purple being the most difficult. Players can make up to four mistakes before the answers are revealed, making it a bit more forgiving than other word games like Wordle.
