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Paula Abdul Cancels Canadian Concerts Due to Health Concerns



Paula Abdul Concert Announcement

Paula Abdul has officially cancelled her upcoming concerts in Canada, including a scheduled performance in Penticton for 2024.

In an announcement posted on Instagram on September 5, Abdul revealed that the decision was made following recent injuries she has sustained.

Abdul stated, “After multiple consultations with my doctors and exploring all available options, I’ve been advised that one of my injuries requires a minor procedure followed by a six- to eight-week recovery time, therefore it will prohibit me from proceeding with the Straight Up! To Canada Tour as well as the dates in Alaska and North Dakota.”

Initially, in June, Abdul had announced her intention to perform at the South Okanagan Events Centre in Penticton on September 28, as part of her nationwide tour in Canada. Other concert locations in British Columbia included Abbotsford, Victoria, Kamloops, Dawson Creek, and Prince George.

For fans holding tickets to these concerts, refunds will be available at the point of purchase.

Rachel Adams

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