San Diego Streets Flooded Due to Clogged Storm Drains

Clogged storm drains and flood channels led to widespread flooding in San Diego County during the recent storm. Residents struggled with the aftermath and expressed their frustration over the lack of immediate assistance. Shelly Parks, a resident of Mission Hills, shared her experience of the last storm, which caused significant damage to her street.
Last time, the flooding reached a three-foot depth and resulted in the loss of three cars and damage to storage units for 24 units at Parks’ building. The problems persisted, as the building’s elevator remains out of order, posing challenges for older residents who struggle to use the stairs.
After the storm, Parks and her neighbors contacted the City for help. To their relief, city crews arrived promptly at 1 a.m. and worked tirelessly throughout the day to address the flooding issues. Parks expressed her gratitude, noting that the previous storm had lacked such a response.
In response to such emergencies, the City of San Diego dispatched 350 employees from its Transportation and Storm Water Department to tackle flooding problems. The head of the department, Bethany Bizak, advised residents to report issues by calling the Public Works Dispatch number, (619) 527-7500, instead of using the city’s Get It Done App. This ensures a faster response time during storm events, while urgent matters related to public health or safety should be reported to 911.
CBS 8 reporters investigated several locations where flooding and clogged storm drains were reported through the Get It Done App, but witnessed no active response from the city during their visit. It was revealed that the city had received over 500 storm-related calls in the past 24 hours. Bizak clarified that emergency calls were being prioritized for immediate attention, while non-urgent maintenance requests would be addressed as soon as the rain stopped.