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Sequel to ‘Practical Magic’ Confirmed with Sandra Bullock and Nicole Kidman Returning



Sequel To 'practical Magic' Confirmed With Sandra Bullock And Nicole Kidman Returning

Warner Bros. has officially confirmed a sequel to the 1998 classic film ‘Practical Magic,’ bringing back the iconic duo of Sandra Bullock and Nicole Kidman who starred in the original hit. The sequel announcement has sparked excitement among fans of the mystical film that has held a special place in the hearts of many for over two decades.

The screenplay for the new movie will be penned by Akiva Goldsman, with Bullock and Kidman expected to not only reprise their roles but also produce the sequel alongside Denise Di Novi. The original movie was adapted from the 1995 novel by Alice Hoffman and was directed by Griffin Dunne.

‘Practical Magic’ revolves around the Owens sisters, portrayed by Bullock and Kidman, who possess magical abilities but are cursed in love, experiencing tragic outcomes in their relationships. The film’s intriguing storyline and the stellar performances of the leads have made it a fan favorite over the years.

In the realm of entertainment, both Sandra Bullock and Nicole Kidman have been busy with other projects. Kidman has confirmed the return of ‘Big Little Lies‘ for a third season, adding to the list of exciting ventures she is currently involved in. Additionally, Reese Witherspoon, Kidman’s co-star in the series, shared her initial doubts about the show’s success, which was ultimately embraced by viewers, leading to demands for more seasons.

The ‘Big Little Lies’ revival has been in the works for some time, with Kidman hinting at the ensemble cast’s eagerness to reunite for further episodes. The collaboration between David E. Kelly and Liane Moriarty has been pivotal in shaping the narrative of the series, maintaining the interest of fans and keeping them eagerly awaiting the upcoming installments.

Rachel Adams

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