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Teri Hatcher Recalls Chewing Gum Moment with Downey Jr.



Teri Hatcher Recalls Chewing Gum Moment With Downey Jr.

Teri Hatcher recently shared a hilarious story about a memorable moment with Robert Downey Jr. on the set of the comedy film Soapdish. During her chat with Toby Tarrant on Radio X, she reflected on the surreal experience of helping the actor with his chewing gum.

As Hatcher recounted, there was a scene in the movie that required a long take involving several actors. Right before the camera reached her and Downey Jr., he suddenly realized he had gum in his mouth and looked panicked, wondering where to put it.

Without missing a beat, Hatcher extended her hand, and Downey Jr. put the gum right in her palm. She then discreetly tucked it behind her back until the camera was on them, and they began their scene. For Hatcher, it was a surreal moment to think she was literally holding Robert Downey Jr.’s gum!

The actress, now 59, also mentioned how her extensive career has led to a blur of many roles, sometimes forgetting the projects she’s been a part of. When asked if she ever sees something on TV and thinks, ‘Was I in that?’, she admitted it happens often as she steps back and marvels at her past experiences.

Looking back at her time on Soapdish, Hatcher humorously noted that even though she only had a few lines in the film, she was constantly on set getting to watch famous stars like Whoopi Goldberg, Sally Field, and Kevin Kline work their magic. It’s moments like these that make her appreciate the journey she’s had in Hollywood.

Rachel Adams

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