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Tesla’s Full Self-Driving Saves Man’s Life on Urgent Emergency Journey



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A man’s life was saved in a remarkable turn of events when Tesla‘s Full Self-Driving technology came to his rescue during a medical emergency. The individual, identified as Max Paul Franklin, shared his harrowing experience on social media platform X, detailing how the innovative feature saved him in a moment of crisis.

On April 1st, with the recent release of Full Self-Driving across Tesla vehicles in the United States, Franklin found himself facing severe dehydration and a dangerously high blood glucose level in the early hours of the morning. His insulin pump had malfunctioned, leaving him in urgent need of medical attention.

Quickly turning to his Tesla Model Y for help, Franklin activated the Full Self-Driving capability with a simple double click on the steering column stalk. What followed was nothing short of astonishing, as the vehicle autonomously navigated the 13-mile journey from Franklin’s home to the VA Emergency Room without any intervention.

In his account, Franklin expressed deep gratitude towards Tesla and the medical team for their role in saving his life. Despite owning several luxury vehicles from renowned brands, Franklin acclaimed Tesla as the epitome of automotive innovation, citing the life-saving assistance provided by the Full Self-Driving feature.

This incident brings to light the potential of autonomous driving technology in medical emergencies and underscores the importance of continued advancements in this field. While Full Self-Driving is not yet fully autonomous and requires driver intervention when necessary, cases like Franklin’s highlight the critical impact it can have in life-threatening situations.

Rachel Adams

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