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Thunderstorms and Heavy Rain Expected This Weekend



Thunderstorms And Heavy Rain Expected This Weekend

This weekend in Mississauga, residents need to brace themselves for heavy rain and thunderstorms. The weather forecast is predicting some serious downpours, and it’s important to stay informed as the storm’s path can change unexpectedly.

Heavy rainfall can lead to several issues, including pooling water, overflowing rivers, and even flooding. This sort of weather can disrupt traffic, cause road closures, and create drainage problems, which might lead to evacuations or power outages.

It’s crucial for everyone to stay updated on weather warnings and watches specifically for Mississauga. If you’re facing an emergency situation or require help with evacuation, remember to only dial 911 in those instances.

During this time, it’s best to steer clear of any downed power lines or electrical wires for safety. If you happen to experience a power outage or see any electrical hazards, make sure to report them quickly.

For the latest updates on weather-related concerns in the city, you can follow the official channels to stay in the loop.

Rachel Adams

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