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Tom Holland’s Romeo Performance Divides Critics in London Theatre Run



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The anticipated London theatre run starring Tom Holland in Romeo and Juliet has sparked contrasting opinions among critics and fans. Outside the theatre, die-hard fans eagerly await a glimpse of the Spider-Man star, but inside, critics have not been unanimous in their praise.

While some critics, like Andrzej Lukowski, praise Holland’s performance as Romeo, calling it mesmerizing and ravishing, others, such as Druid, Slow Theatre Company, refer to it as drivel and label Holland as a charisma-free zone.

Francesca Amewudah-Rivers, who plays Juliet, received accolades from critics like Time Out‘s Lukowski, who described her performance as great, highlighting the contrast between her lightness and Holland’s dour angst.

Director Jamie Lloyd’s minimalist production has received mixed reviews, with some praising its unsettling brilliance and stylish radio-play staging. However, critics like Clive Davis found the production formulaic, leaving the audience more perplexed than gripped.

Despite delivering a quiet, fresh-faced, and sensitive portrayal as Romeo, some critics, like Arifa Akbar, felt that Holland’s and Amewudah-Rivers’ deliberate underplaying of emotions leeched the tragedy from the play.

One critic, Benedict, criticized the fiercely stripped-down production for lacking the exuberance of love and youth essential in Shakespeare‘s work, while another, Bano, felt that Holland’s performance fell flat.

The London production not only drew attention for Holland’s performance but also for the memorable crowds outside the Duke of York’s Theatre seeking glimpses of Holland and his girlfriend Zendaya. Despite mixed reviews, the production is expected to attract a new, younger audience to theatre.

Meanwhile, on Broadway, a new version of the play featuring Kit Connor and Rachel Zegler will open in September with music by Taylor Swift‘s producer, Jack Antonoff. The trailer for the Broadway show was released on YouTube on Thursday.

Rachel Adams

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