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Tragic Drowning at 2024 CrossFit Games



Tragic Drowning At 2024 Crossfit Games

A person tragically drowned in the Marine Creek Reservoir on Thursday morning during the 2024 CrossFit Games in Fort Worth, Texas.

Witnesses told CBS News Texas that they saw the victim go underwater and not come back up, prompting immediate concerns for their safety.

As first responders arrived, CBS News Texas captured footage of them pulling a body from the water and putting it into a bodybag. Several CrossFit Games competitors were reported to be watching the scene unfold from the shore.

This year’s CrossFit Games marks the first time the event has been held in Fort Worth, with past locations including Carson, California and Madison, Wisconsin.

The competition started on Thursday and is set to continue through Sunday, but details about the Games have since been removed from CrossFit’s official website.

In a separate incident during the Games, an athlete named Lazar Dukic went missing. He disappeared during a combined running and swimming event, and witnesses reported seeing him struggling to stay afloat near the end of the watery portion.

His team noticed his absence and alerted the event organizers, who initiated an emergency search for the missing competitor. Attendees at the event tried to help him, but a lifeguard intervened to prevent them from entering the water.

Medical teams have been on-site, and fans are left sending messages of hope and encouragement for Dukic through their social media channels.

Rachel Adams

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