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Trump Nominates Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee as US Ambassador to Israel



Mike Huckabee Donald Trump Israel Ambassador

President-elect Donald Trump announced on Tuesday that he will nominate former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee to serve as the US Ambassador to Israel. This nomination aligns with Trump’s pledge to strengthen U.S. foreign policy in support of Israel’s interests, particularly as Israel continues to face conflicts with Iran-backed groups such as Hamas and Hezbollah.

Huckabee, known for his strong support of Israel, has been a vocal advocate for the country throughout his career. Trump praised Huckabee, stating, “Mike has been a great public servant, Governor, and Leader in Faith for many years. He loves Israel, and the people of Israel, and likewise, the people of Israel love him. Mike will work tirelessly to bring about Peace in the Middle East!”.

The nomination is seen as a significant move in Trump’s foreign policy agenda, emphasizing a closer alliance between the United States and Israel. Huckabee’s appointment is expected to be subject to Senate confirmation once the nomination is formally submitted.

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