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Unique Days Celebrated on February 14 Around the World



Unique Days Celebrated On February 14 Around The World

On February 14th, various unique days are celebrated around the world, apart from the well-known Valentine's Day. Couples globally commemorate this entire week in special ways.

While India observes Valentine’s Day, it also celebrates Vasant Panchami. Those opposed to Valentine’s Day mark it in different ways, like as Parents’ Day.

In Pakistan, anti-Valentine’s Day individuals celebrate it as Haya Day. February 14th is dedicated to National Condom Day, Gold Heart Day, International Book Giving Day, and Library Lovers’ Day.

Other days celebrated on this date include Congenital Heart Defect Awareness Day, Frederick Douglass Day, Have a Heart Day, Lui-Ngai-Ni Festival, Madly In Love With Me Day, and National Impotence Day.
