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Versant Power Prepares for Potential Widespread Outages Amid Strong Winds and Heavy Rain in Maine



Versant Power Outage Map Maine

As of December 12, 2024, Versant Power, formerly known as Emera Maine and Bangor Hydro, is bracing for potential widespread power outages due to forecasted strong winds and heavy rain in Maine. The weather conditions, expected to hit the region on Wednesday evening, have prompted warnings and advisories from local authorities and utility companies.

The City of Bangor has issued a flood watch and high wind warning, cautioning residents about the possibility of downed power lines and outages. Residents are advised to report any outages or downed lines to Versant Power by visiting their website or calling the designated numbers: 207-973-2000 or 855-363-7211.

Despite the current absence of outages, Versant Power is closely monitoring the situation. According to the latest data, there are no reported outages across the counties served by Versant Power, including Aroostook, Hancock, Penobscot, Piscataquis, Waldo, and Washington.

Mainers are encouraged to prepare for the potential disruptions by having emergency supplies ready and staying informed through official channels and outage maps provided by Versant Power).

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