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Youth Struggle with Smoking Addiction on World No Tobacco Day



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On the occasion of World No Tobacco Day, the focus shifts to the increasing struggle of the youth with smoking addiction, especially in countries like India. Data from the Global Adult Tobacco Survey (GATS) highlights the concerning prevalence of tobacco use among adults and children, indicating a greater need for intervention.

Dr. Vaibhav Kumar from Dr GD Pol Foundation YMT Dental College and Hospital in Navi Mumbai, along with experts Vibhav and Aysha, emphasizes the urgency in addressing this critical public health issue. The TOI Lifestyle Desk, a dedicated team at the Times of India, delves into the complexities of tobacco addiction among the youth.

The stark reality of the tobacco industry’s influence on the youth is evident in the statistics provided by the GATS. With a significant percentage of teenagers indulging in various forms of tobacco, the risks of oral cancer and other health complications are escalating among young individuals, raising alarms in the medical community.

Efforts to safeguard children from tobacco initiation require a multi-faceted approach. Dr. Kumar suggests early and transparent conversations as a starting point, advocating the 5A approach to tobacco counseling. Additionally, promoting tobacco-free zones and encouraging participation in healthy activities can deter youth from falling prey to smoking habits.

Keeping abreast of the latest information on tobacco products and their dangers is crucial in empowering communities to combat tobacco use. Supporting stringent regulations on tobacco advertising and lobbying for stricter norms on emerging products like e-cigarettes are integral steps in the fight against youth tobacco addiction.

As World No Tobacco Day is observed, the call to action resonates with individuals, families, and policymakers alike. Together, through awareness, advocacy, and education, the youth can be shielded from the perils of tobacco and pave the way for a healthier, smoke-free future.

Rachel Adams

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