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California Department of Public Health Issues Warning on Shamshad Food’s Contaminated Products



California Department Of Public Health Issues Warning On Shamshad Food's Contaminated Products

The California Department of Public Health has issued a caution to consumers regarding certain jarred food items produced by Shamshad Food. These products were manufactured without oversight from the department’s Cannery Program, making them vulnerable to contamination with Clostridium botulinum, a potentially harmful bacterium.

Consumption of foods tainted with botulism toxin can result in severe illness and even death. As a result, consumers are advised against consuming various jarred products from Shamshad Food.

The impacted products were distributed in Southern California, with outlets such as Woodland Hills Market in Woodland Hills, Q Market in Van Nuys, and Wholesome Choice Market in Irvine reportedly selling them.

If consumers come across these products for sale, they are urged to report it to the health department’s complaint line at 800-495-3232.

In January 2024, the department issued a Notice of Violation to Shamshad. The ongoing investigation may lead to further consequences for the company, including potential license revocation.

Shamshad, located in Los Angeles, is now voluntarily recalling several of its products, including Litteh Pickle and Pickeled Diced Vegetables, Eggplant, Garlic, and HaftBijar.

Botulism toxin is both odorless and colorless, rendering it impossible for consumers to determine if their products are affected. Those in possession of these items should dispose of them immediately.

Botulism is a rare yet severe paralytic illness caused by a nerve toxin from the bacterium Clostridium botulinum. Initial symptoms include vision issues, drooping eyelids, and difficulty swallowing. Should consumers experience any negative effects after consuming these items, they are advised to seek medical attention promptly.

Rachel Adams

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