ACDP Leader Kenneth Meshoe: A 30-Year Political Journey

In 1994, the first democratic election, the ballot paper featured 19 political parties contesting the polls. Over the years, with a maturing democracy, the number of political parties on the ballot paper has mushroomed.
On Wednesday, the country will have its seventh democratic election, and there will be 52 political parties to choose from on the national ballot paper.
Among the 52 party leaders to choose from will be the leader of the African Christian Democratic Party (ACDP), whose face was on the ballot paper in 1994.
Kenneth Meshoe, the leader of the ACDP, reflects on the formation of the party and his experience participating as a political party leader in South Africa‘s first democratic elections.
Born into a Christian home, Meshoe shares how his upbringing shaped his views on politics, steering him away from the liberation struggle parties like the ANC or PAC, due to his belief in non-violence and adherence to Christian values.
Meshoe’s journey into politics was driven by a desire to ensure that the Christian voice was heard in shaping the country’s future, leading him to found the ACDP in December 1993, just months before the historic elections.
Contesting with established parties like the ANC made it challenging for Meshoe to attract voters, especially as he had previously criticized other Christians involved in politics. However, he persevered, emphasizing the role of responsible citizenship in contributing to the country’s progress.
Reflecting on his early campaigning days, Meshoe recalls encountering both warm receptions and outright hostility, as people grappled with the idea of a new party challenging the status quo and loyalty to Mandela’s ANC.
Despite the odds, the ACDP secured two seats in Parliament, with Meshoe becoming one of the longest-serving MPs, fostering a respectful relationship even amidst political differences.
Meshoe’s commitment to advocating for Christian values and ensuring representation in South Africa’s political landscape has defined his 30-year journey with the ACDP, a testament to his unwavering dedication to his party and beliefs.