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Actor Deyemi Okanlawon Shares Inspiring Fitness Journey with Pastor Jimmy Odukoya



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Actor Deyemi Okanlawon recently opened up about his fitness journey and how Pastor Jimmy Odukoya inspired him to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

The revelation came during a candid conversation with Teju Babyface on the King of Talks podcast, where Okanlawon shared his motivations behind prioritizing fitness as an actor.

Highlighting his transformation, Okanlawon disclosed that his mindset shifted in 2022, moving away from working out solely for movie roles to embracing a continuous commitment to staying fit.

He credited his close friend, Pastor Jimmy Odukoya, for encouraging him to adopt a consistent fitness regimen.

Pastor Odukoya’s dedication to physical fitness as a “gym buff” served as a source of inspiration for Okanlawon to strive for a strong, healthy, and fit physique.

Okanlawon emphasized that his decision to pursue fitness was not solely driven by external factors but rather focused on overall health and well-being.

Regarding his profession as an actor, Okanlawon highlighted the importance of being in peak physical condition to effectively portray characters on screen.

He shared that previously, his workout routine would fluctuate, intensifying before filming projects that required a certain physical appearance and then tapering off afterward.

However, with Odukoya’s influence, Okanlawon has embraced a sustainable approach to fitness that aligns with his career goals and personal health.

Rachel Adams

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