Amos Mayor Selected as Contestant on Survivor Québec

The mayor of Amos, Sébastien D’Astous, has been selected as one of the contestants for the second season of the popular reality TV show Survivor Québec. The announcement was made by the show’s production team on Wednesday. Alongside D’Astous, 19 other participants from various parts of the province will compete in the Philippines‘ deserted island for a chance to win the grand prize of $100,000.
Olivier Corneau, a 33-year-old artist from Jonquière, is among the contestants who will be vying for the top prize. Corneau, who has gained recognition for his artwork both in Quebec and internationally, has presented his collections in prestigious art institutions such as the Institut National Art contemporain de Montréal and the Carrousel du Louvre in Paris. Last year, he showcased his collection titled Oracle — Loin des préoccupations mortelles, which blended Renaissance and modern elements with the use of artificial intelligence.
When reached for comment, Corneau’s voicemail indicated that he was ‘off on an adventure’ for a while, likely to participate in Survivor Québec. Despite being a newcomer to the show, his strategy will focus mainly on his interpersonal skills. The show’s website reveals that Corneau is known for being talkative and might unintentionally disclose valuable information to his competitors. Although he is kind-hearted, Corneau has no qualms about being dishonest and deceiving others to better his chances in the game.
Survivor Québec, hosted by Patrice Bélanger and aired on Noovo, is a popular reality TV competition that tests participants’ endurance and survival skills in challenging environments. Contestants must overcome various obstacles and nature’s unpredictable elements to emerge victorious. The winner of the second season will walk away with a cash prize of $100,000.